I had an incredible time in Ireland, and started this site simply to have a record for myself to make sure I don’t forget anything! Since then I retroactively added my Peru trip and hope to continue for many future travels so friends and family can armchair travel along with me.
The bulk of this Ireland trip was a music-themed group tour organized by Inishfree Tours and led by American gypsy jazz trio Harmonious Wail, made up of contagiously engaging mandolin player Sims Delaney-Pothoff, his multitalented wife Maggie who sings and plays percussion with a brush and a cardboard box (!), and freakishly gifted bass player Jeff Weiss. Can’t say enough good things about Inishfree and about Wail… from the day I signed up for the tour several months ago, to the day I flew home from Shannon, it was the perfect combination of organized and relaxed.
Before meeting the Inishfree group on Day 5, I headed to Dublin and Northern Ireland by myself for a few days, coincidentally just in time for the Game of Thrones series finale which was largely filmed in Belfast and Northern Ireland.
[Note/Edit after rereading this a couple of years after creating these pages: I was never a Game of Thrones watcher but binged the whole series in like three weeks before my trip so that I’d have the context for Northern Ireland. I clearly was VERY into it in 2019, but reading it now I can barely remember what any of those made-up words and family names mean haha.]
I took a few thousand photos on this trip (literally) but still managed to miss some key moments. So for the sake of a thorough recap I included a few photos from fellow travelers (thank you!), and a few from the internet—everything not taken by me is labeled as such.
Enjoy, and I hope this makes you want to visit lovely Ireland!